/ #Javascript #testing 

Integration Testing a Restful Endpoint with Request and Jasmine and Node.JS

What is it for?

I am building a simple restful API using Express over MongoDB in order to support a mobile application.  Even though the endpoint was quite straightforward, I wanted to ensure it is properly tested.  In creating this test, I wanted to fulfill some simple objectives

  • Integration style test - completely independent of the implementation
  • Setup and Teardown of the database.
  • Fast, simple, as little complexity as possible

What Am I Testing?

The API is simple ../rules/clientId/ruleId (get) - Retrieve a specific rule for a specific client ../rules/clientId (get) - Retrieve all of the rules for a specific client ../rules (post) - Store a rule ../rules/clientId/ruleId (delete) - Delete a specific rule for a specific client

Why Use Jasmine? Why not use Frisby.js?

Ah tool choice, such a fraught area.  Jasmine is well established and  there is a great node port of Jasmine here that is reasonably active.  All you Mocha folks and Karma fanatics, pls comment and tell me why framework X is better than Jasmine :)

Frisby.js seems to have a lot of search engine traction but It doesn’t support setup/teardown () and seemed to force me into a certain way of doing things which I didn’t like.

Enough already let’s do it

The full gist is here if you want to look at it…


To setup, I use beforeEach with the done option because I want to asynchronously move on to the test once the MongoDB call is finished.  To setup for the tests, I insert a single ‘rule’ document containing just ID information.



MongoClient.connect("mongodb://" + config.mongo_db_address + ":" + config.mongo_db_port + "/" + config.mongo_db_name, function (err, db) { 

var collection = db.collection('rules'); 

collection.insert({"clientId": "test","ruleId": "test1"}, function (err, result) { 







To teardown, I issue a global delete for all rules belonging to the test client.  This is a bit crude but as in all integration style testing, I don’t have the luxury of simply making tests transactional.  Note that again, I am using the Async form and using a done method to indicate that things can move on.

 afterEach(function(done) { 

MongoClient.connect("mongodb://" + config.mongo_db_address + ":" + config.mongo_db_port + "/" + config.mongo_db_name, function (err, db) { 

var collection = db.collection('rules'); 

collection.remove({ "clientId": "test" }, function (err, result) { 






Update: I am now using uri: not url: and also using the json:true parameter in the request options.  this means I don’t need to JSON.parse the bodyString like I was before.. much cleaner.

Testing the Get

Testing the getter method is simple.  I simply use the request component to retrieve the body string from the endpoint, use JSON.parse to convert it to an object littoral and then assert its values.

 it("should retrieve a specific rule", function(done) { 


uri: "http://localhost:3000/api/rules/test/test1", 

json: true 

}, function(error, response, body){ 






Testing the Post

For the Post, I really should check the addition to the DB but I cheat a bit by making a nested get call and verifying the return result (I use the same Kluge for delete).


it("should store a rule", function(done) { 



uri: "http://localhost:3000/api/rules", 

json:{"clientId": "test","ruleId": "test2"} 

}, function(error, response, bodyPost){ 


url: "http://localhost:3000/api/rules/test/test2", 


}, function(error, response, body){ 






Thats it, hope this helps.  I certainly thought this would be easier than it was and had dead ends with Frisby.js (no setup/teardown) and fiddling about with Request but this works.  All comments and suggestions accepted.




Michael Dausmann

Full stack developer. Agile, Data science and Machine Learning. Love learning, speaking and dad jokes. Tweets are my own.